Morning Thoughts of a sleepy blogger ~ how can why questions be a good thing

As I  sit  drinking my  earl  grey  tea thoughts  that  are  coming  to me  this  morning  are about  a lot of   whys .  do  whys  have to be  a bad. no they  do  not .. we  do ask  why for  a lot of  things.  Usually  when  we  ask  why it  in resistance  to  something that  happened or  something we  did  not  want to happen then  we  question  why..

however children  ask  why  all  the  time in their  innocence sweet way  of learning ..  Daddy  why is  the  sky  blue? mom why do  i  have  to  do  that?.   grandma why can’t i  fly? the  why questions  could  go on  endlessly..  it is  the  way  children  learn and it the   way  we  learn.

So  for  us maybe  ask  ourselves..  why  do i have  passion  for  what  ever it is  i  am  doing? why  do i  love the  work i  do? why  do i love  reading ,  writing , rock climbing , sky diving  etc. ? what  ever it is  you love  to  do find  the  why..   for in the  why then you might  just  find  treasure you never  thought of  and  that my  friend  is  wonderful.. for then you learned  something   new  and  can then  turn them into magic by  using the  innocent   sweet  question into  deeper  knowledge of  yourself  and the  world  and people  around  you.. in  doing   so you  might  just find  way  to use your why to motivate you into learning  more..

with that  this  sleepy  blogger is  signing off to   finish her  tea. why because it give me  a  moments  quiet  to  practice  my  mindfulness  and  still my thoughts  that are  ping  ponging  around my head  at the  moment



Happy Easter !!

Happy  Easter  everyone   may it  bring  you many  blessings !!

Just start.. open doors by just starting

i  really like Kyle  cease.. i  really  like  this video.

Open invisible  doors  by  starting

Being open and authentic

being open and authentic and talking to ourselves with kindness as we would a friend … sunday afternoon at my favorite cafe

Happy Bithday Daddy and happy international women’s day as well

Happy  birthday   daddy i  love  You  and  miss  You !!!! happy  international women’s  day  as  well..  seem  three  things  to  be   celebrating  today

Ok I dare You not to laugh!!! I’m sure many will be laughing by the end of this video

Ok I dare  You  not  to  laugh !!!! You  been  warned  how  long   can you  hold  out ?? me  was   5  seconds  baby  laughter  get  me  ever  time  and   by the  end i had  tears  of  laughter  rolling  down my  cheeks..

Authenticity and openness

In  this  moment  of quietness before I  head  to  bed in  a little   while my awareness  has settles  on  authenticity  and  openness. The  moment  that synchronicity happens  that you  could have  near  planed   yourself..  that  the  universe  and  the  divine  planned  for  you.. yesterday  was one of  those  days   for  me.. One of  those  days  where you think  ok  well magic  is  afoot.. one of  those  day  where  you  throw  out  an  inspired idea  at  someone  spontaneously  and  only  realized   what you  actually had offered  up  second  after it   came out of  your  mouth  and not  before..  where  you  walk  into  a  place  and you happen  to be in the  right  place  at the  right  time.. it  was  one  of  those  days   yesterday and  i  was in  the  peace  and  openness  of  it..  today it  carried  on  for  most of  the   day with  authenticity.

You are enought just the way you are !!! I love You !!

I know i been posting alot on things about us being enough but it an important message so here are two post i posted long ago on my blog but bare repeating

Enchanted Grove

I    Have  to post  this  because it  made  me  tear up in  those  happy  tears   kind  of   way..

22 September, 2013

How many people look in the mirror every morning and feel inadequate and just ugly? These ladies didn’t know what to expect at first but then they realized the mirror started talking to them. It also showed them personalized messages from their families and friends reassuring them just how appreciated they are.

Watch their reactions as the scene unfolds

Such a powerful way to change the way many people think about themselves, affirming that they are enough just the way they are.

View original post

You are a beautiful creation of nature !!


Please   enjoy  the pictures ,  quotes  and   video from my  walk  yesterday along  the  beach and   the  spot i stoppped  to take  this   video  as  the  sunset

Valentine’s Day ~ Angel muse reading for february 14, 2016


No  need  to  worry ~

the angels say  there is  no  need  to  worry this  day  is   about  spreading  love  no  matter  if  you  are  single or  with  someone.. they  say the  point is  always love.. so spread love in  everything you  do  today  and  know  you  are  always  love  and   and  are LOVE!! Be Love !!


Make a wish ~

the  angels  say  this  valentine’s  day  make  a  wish  from your  heart. keep  positive   about  the  wish  you  make.. wish  upon   your heart  and  wish  upon a star.. be  happy about  your  wish and  fill it  with love.


A true friend listens  to you  feelings ~

 today share  your  feeling of  love  with your  friends, family, partner  and  yourself.. it is  important  to  listens  to  your   feelings  and  share  your  feeling  with those   closes  to  you    as  well  as  yourself.  In listening  they  can help  you feel  better and i  listening  to yourself  you help  yourself  feel  better by  noticing  and listening  to   your  feelings  too.


Ask  for help ~

 Ask for help the  angels  say  maybe  a  funny  card  for  a   valentine’s  reading  but it   not. for you  can  ask  those  you love what  they  might  like  to  do for  valentine’s  day  to help  set up the  day that  would  be   wonderful  for  you.. You  could  ask  the  angel  for  help  setting  up the  day in how can  set it  up for  yourself if  you  are  single  and  alone..  for  example   romance  yourself  buy  yourself  flowers,  candy  and  take  yourself  to   dinner.. You  might  also  get  together  with  another  single  friend  and  spend valentine’s  day  together  watching  movies  and   drinking   wine  for   example.. You  can  always  ask  those you  love  what  they  might  need this  way  you  are  always  giving  and   receiving  love. Do  not  forgot  to  ask yourself  what you  need that is  important  too.


Enjoy  being  outdoors ~

Enjoy  being out doors.. maybe  take  a  walk either  by  yourself  or   with someone you  love  and  feel  the  beauty  and love  all  around  you.. share  the  love you  feel with everyone you meet.. enjoy  doing   something  out side as nature is  a  wonderful and   amazing  place  to   connect  with yourself  others  and  nature..  Nature has  so  much love  to  share with all.

Happy Valentine’s  day  with  much  unfathomable love  WhiteStar  Eagle

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