A melancholy day

Today is just one of those days..melancholy and yes I guess anxious.. I will have to sit with it later as i have to go out shortly.. though later I will be having a chat with friend that seem to be the same and just want some company so there is that..

what Iwill do tend to the things I don’t want to do it important and I need to go out to do it.. then it will be self care and that may involve a blanket fort and some kind of coloring , art or reading

the thoughts of anxious and sleepy blogger

So tonight anxious and sleepy blogger thoughts

don’t over think

find things that you enjoy doing to help Your nervous system

self care and mindfulness meditation

Happy Samhain

May Magic the ancestor and the blessings of the season be with you

video on surrender, letting go and being.. surrender and giving up are not the same thing

A video on surrender and letting go… surrender is not giving up.. it is a beingness .. being with what is

Video link

Tea musing ~ cool autumn day

On this cool autumn day what might warm your heart? what might inspire your day? today is going to a birthday party for two children I love dearly.. it will warm my heart… as for inspire my day we will let the day guide that part.

Ohhh and of course tea will always warm me and inspire me hence the tea musing

The reemergence

I know i have not written in my blog for a very long time. However, after an intense time with life and the last two years.. i find myself yesterday looking at some old things. these thing brought me one creativity as this blog was the first thing i put out long ago seem like a life time ago publicly.. i have changed and with it as many other things have as well.. so here is my reemergence .. we will see where it lead

Go do something fun beautiful people

Time flies

Good  morning  beautiful people

It is   funny  how  time   flies.. I  made  another  video  today  I will  post  shortly.  I  really  did  not  realize it has  been a long  time   since I posted  anything  on my  blog  again..  it  seems  like  time  got  away  from  me  as it   some time   does in  our  lives so  that  being  said I  am  flying  back in..

Namaste  to  you  all !!!


pink full moon ~April 21,2016~ full moon ceremony/ritual

Here is   full moon   idea  to help  shift  the  energy and  transform it   for  this   full  moon  and it   will be  a  pink  moon  ..  yeahh!!!  You  can  find  this  link in the nourish publication link on the  side of  my blog  go into  the link  and  find Nourish april 2016 issue 57

Morning Thoughts of a sleepy blogger ~ how can why questions be a good thing

As I  sit  drinking my  earl  grey  tea thoughts  that  are  coming  to me  this  morning  are about  a lot of   whys .  do  whys  have to be  a bad. no they  do  not .. we  do ask  why for  a lot of  things.  Usually  when  we  ask  why it  in resistance  to  something that  happened or  something we  did  not  want to happen then  we  question  why..

however children  ask  why  all  the  time in their  innocence sweet way  of learning ..  Daddy  why is  the  sky  blue? mom why do  i  have  to  do  that?.   grandma why can’t i  fly? the  why questions  could  go on  endlessly..  it is  the  way  children  learn and it the   way  we  learn.

So  for  us maybe  ask  ourselves..  why  do i have  passion  for  what  ever it is  i  am  doing? why  do i  love the  work i  do? why  do i love  reading ,  writing , rock climbing , sky diving  etc. ? what  ever it is  you love  to  do find  the  why..   for in the  why then you might  just  find  treasure you never  thought of  and  that my  friend  is  wonderful.. for then you learned  something   new  and  can then  turn them into magic by  using the  innocent   sweet  question into  deeper  knowledge of  yourself  and the  world  and people  around  you.. in  doing   so you  might  just find  way  to use your why to motivate you into learning  more..

with that  this  sleepy  blogger is  signing off to   finish her  tea. why because it give me  a  moments  quiet  to  practice  my  mindfulness  and  still my thoughts  that are  ping  ponging  around my head  at the  moment



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